About Me
Hi All, Thanks For Stopping By!!
I’m Just an incredibly passionate guy who’s absolutely passionate about photography. I love capturing moments as they unfold and freezing all of that raw emotion and love into a photograph. Many say I’m personable, genuine and really easy going… I like to think of myself as a hunka hunka whole lotta fun!
I wasn’t always a photographer. Before this I was/am a DJ. Prior to spinning I was an investments broker and even before that I made pizzas. All the while, I’ve always had a love for photography.
I help my awesome and amazing wife with the wedding and events company Ensemble Events. I still DJ and love it like the first day I touched my first set of Vinyl, but lately I’ve found myself eating, dreaming and breathing.. photography. You see… I love love love photography!! Absolutely love it! I spend all of my off time… (When I’m not being an awesome husband to the best wife eveeer Trisha) researching, learning and practicing the craft every chance I get. This desire consumes me soooo much that Trisha has officially restricted my phone and any internet connective devices from being within arms reach before sleep. She’s even gone as far as banning my camera completely (Which she gave me for Christmas… just saying) (Oh man I’m going to regret that) from ever entering the gates of Disney’s Main Street USA.
Photography really took me by surprise! Similar to DJing it really happened by mere chance. Some call it luck and others call it fate, whereas I call it a miracle. Originally I started to DJ from a passion and love for music. I never would have guessed that it would have taken me through such an awesome journey. I’ve had the opportunity to spin at all kinds of awesome venues within the nightlife and wedding industry. I’ve made people dance at over 1000 weddings, but most importantly because of DJing… I met the love of my life.. My wife and best friend Trisha.
Looking back, I think about the crazy journey that I had to take to be here. I feel I’m extremely fortunate to be able to do something that I love so much and so blessed to have been able to make it a career. If you’re looking to come along this adventure with me CLICK HERE and I hope to see all of your smiling faces soon!